Saturday, March 31, 2012


Today we bring you Howie...

1. What is your name?
I'm Dane Pence.

2. Can you relate to your character?
(smiling really big) At times I can relate to Howie...sure...yeah.

3. Have you acted before?
I have acted before, yes.

4. So far, what has been the hardest thing about being in this play?
The time commitment. Since I have a family and two small children.

5. What has been the easiest part?
The camaraderie: having fun with everyone.

6. Here's a tough one: If you were stranded on a desert island, which character in the play would you like to be stranded with and why?
That's a tough one! Hmm, lets see, I would go with a female and it would be the crazy...Madame Zenobia. Why? For entertainment purposes.

7. Anything you want to say to our readers and possible future audience members?
Come and see us! It is a lot of fun!

8. Anyone you want to say hi too?
Hi Ethan! I know he will be watching me in the play; he's my seven year old.

Thanks Dane!

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