Monday, April 2, 2012

Conrad Spears

Today, we bring you Conrad Spears...

1. What is your name?
I'm Carl Pankratz

2. Can you relate to your character?
Well, I'm not married so I don't understand what its like to be beat up by your mother-in-law.

3. Have you acted before?
I’ve been in previous plays with Amateur Community Theatre of Rowlett. But, I am far from a professional.

4. So far, what has been the hardest thing about being in this play?
Dealing with Eric Fulton. He’s our director. He throws stuff and has a violent temper, so its a very hostile working environment. If I make it through alive, its been a good time and there are a lot of fun people to work with.

5. What has been the easiest part about being in a play?
Coming to rehearsal. Because every time I come here I’m surrounded by friends. No matter what’s going on in my day, coming here is like coming to a safe haven.

6. Here's a tough one: If you were stranded on a desert island, which character in the play would you like to be stranded with and why?
On the one hand you have Madame Zenobia, who is deceiving; like, if you teach her to make a fire, she might burn down your hut. There is a lot of those characters like that in the play. But at the end of the day, its Glenda.

7. Anything you want to say to our readers and possible future audience?
This is a fantastic opportunity to improve yourself. What I mean by that it is most everyone’s fear is public speaking. Doing things like this, helps you overcome that. Plus the friendships: If your new to Rowlett, this place is filled with so many good people; there is a sense of family here.

8. Anyone you would like to say hi too?
If you live in Rowlett, there is no better place to go, no matter what you are going through, you can come here and not have to worry about vulgar language or anything else that might be offensive. You can bring your family to the show and be around people who care about you and the city of Rowlett.

Thanks Carl!

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