Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bill Cannon

Bill Cannon
Originally uploaded by ACTORTX
On Christmas eve we delivered a signed copy of the radio show cast to Mr. Bill Cannon. Bill was the one who gave ACTOR a stack of old radio show tapes. Bill is a writer and has some books published. Check them out here: Bill's Books

Thanks Bill! You're the best!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's a Rap! Last Radio Show Performed

Well, ACTOR finished it's last show, December 22, at Chambrel. We performed in front of a warm fireplace with Christmas music dancing in the air. With the seats filling up, we got to do our little show for family and friends. ACTOR is blessed to have this opportunity to give back in 2010.

Thanks for the memories and have a Merry Christmas.


P.S. I'll try to post some video of our radio show. That's if I can figure out how to upload it. >.<

Monday, December 13, 2010

December Radio Show

Group Photo
Originally uploaded by ACTORTX
Merry Christmas!

ACTOR did it's first radio show for December at Christian Care Center. We had two performances. One for the Alzheimer's patients and another show for the assisted living.

At the end of our last show, we had a man in a wheel-chair wheel over to us and he asked us if we would like some old radio shows that he had in his room. We said sure! Five minutes later he came back with a case filled with old recordings.

It really touched us. Giving something he had as a gift to us. So what ACTOR decided to do was take this picture (the insert) and print it up and autograph it for him and give it as a gift.

This has been a great experience. Look forward to this Wednesday for another show!